POGO International Educational Scholars Program

Sponsor Information

As a sponsor, you will be responsible for coordinating the recipient’s trip to the United States, and hosting them at the Annual Meeting or IPOS®. Responsibilities include:

  • Writing a letter of recommendation and complete sponsor information form
  • Picking up the scholar from the airport and transport to assigned hotel for the POSNA or IPOS® meeting
  • Introducing the scholar to colleagues
  • Accompanying scholar to social events
  • Helping the recipient navigate through the POSNA meeting (i.e. pick up at the airport, attend events, etc)

We also hope that the sponsor will encourage the scholar to visit the sponsor's institution for an observership before/after the meeting or will arrange for the scholar to complete an observership at another institution with expertise matching the needs of the scholar. The POGO Committee will be available to assist and advise you.

Application Materials:

Any POSNA member could also participate by:

  • Donating air-miles to help finance scholars
  • Hosting a recipient at your home institution, including room and board, and travel expenses, for several days or a week, pre or post POSNA meeting for educational exchange. The POGO committee will keep a database of volunteers, and will send an email out to those in the database as the meeting approaches.

 Please email your contact information to Traci Russell at russell@posna.org

Sponsor Responsibilities:

  • Submit the following to Traci Russell at russell@posna.org by the deadline: nomination and letter of recommendation and complete the Online Sponsor Form.
  • The individual who submits a nomination must be available to perform all duties required of the sponsor should the candidate be selected.
  • Arrange an observership for the scholar to visit the sponsor's institution or another institution with expertise matching the needs of the scholar.
  • Negotiate (along with POGO member) with sponsoring institution for transportation, room and board.
  • If the candidate is selected for the scholarship, the sponsor must attend the Annual Meeting/IPOS® and serve to coordinate the scholar’s activities at the meeting. While the sponsor is notresponsible for paying for meals or transportation from the hotel to the meeting venue for the scholar, you are responsible for:
    • Picking up the scholar from the airport and transport to assigned hotel for the POSNA Annual Meeting or IPOS® meeting
    • Introducing the scholar to colleagues
    • Accompanying scholar to social events