POSNA is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. Your gift to POSNA is fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Critical support for POSNA each year comes from POSNA Direct. Many initiatives have been made possible by the generous support of members donating to POSNA Direct, including:
- Create a Surgeon Quality Improvement Database, a tool for all POSNA members, that will help set new standards in care and empower medical centers to deliver exceptional services,
- Produce a Member Needs Assessment to understand needs across all membership categories to create and enhance a personalized customer journey that ties into POSNA's operations and offerings,
- Fund over $400,000 in Research Grants,
- Add safety videos to the collection of content on OrthoKids.org, and
- Provide educational scholarships for pediatric surgeons from underserved regions
100% of your money goes to POSNA. The Board of Directors may allocate POSNA Direct funds to help POSNA accomplish a variety of educational, research, and patient care efforts, as well as maximize the long-term viability of POSNA. Your donation gives POSNA maximal flexibility to serve both future and present needs.
- POSNA accepts stock donations through Vanguard
- Make your donation go further! Check here to see if your employer will match your donation >>
Planned Giving Opportunities: Please contact Teri Stech at stech@posna.org or 630.478.0480
- Naming POSNA as a beneficiary in a will
- Donating through a life insurance policy
POSNA Direct Levels of Annual Support:
POSNA will acknowledge all levels and pathways of support of our mission through POSNA Direct, OREF/POSNA Annual Giving (Order of Merit), OREF/POSNA Endowment (Shands Circle), and the Angela Kuo Endowment Fund. POSNA will recognize cumulative giving across all these funds with the following levels of support:
- Bronze ≥ $100 donation
- Silver ≥ $1000 donation
- Gold ≥ $5000
- Contributing: $10,000—$24,999
- Sustaining: $25,000—$49,999
- Presidents: $50,000—$99,999
- Founders: $100,000—$499,999
- Legends: $500,000—$999,999
- Legend Elite: $1,000,000+