Upcoming Webinar! Pediatric Orthopedic Fellowship: From Applying for Fellowship to Securing a Job

Pediatric Orthopedic Fellowship: From Applying for Fellowship to Securing a Job

Date/Time: Tuesday, September 26th; 7:00pmCT/8:00pmEST

Description: Current applicants for pediatric orthopedic fellowships commonly have questions about the match process, fellowship accreditation process, current job market, and the new development of pediatric subspecialists. This webinar plans to address those questions and concerns. Anyone applying for pediatric orthopedic fellowship will benefit from this webinar.

Leaning Objectives:

  1. Understand the process of pediatric orthopedic fellowship match and the new POSNA accreditation process.
  2. Understand the current and the future of pediatric orthopedic workforce.
  3. Understand the new development of pediatric orthopaedic subspecialist.


  • Pooya Hosseinzadeh, MD, Washington University School of Medicine/St. Louis Children's Hospital-chair
  • Jack Flynn, MD, Children Hospital of Philadelphia
  • Jeffrey Sawyer, MD, Campbell Clinic
  • Wudbhav Sankar, MD, Children Hospital of Philadelphia
  • Scott Luhmann, MD, Washington University School of Medicine/St. Louis Children's Hospital

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