July 2020
7/7/2020 | BY POSNA
Resident Master Series
The Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America (POSNA) invites you to participate in the Resident Master Series. This virtual symposium chooses one topic to explore with four (4) lectures by experts in the field. The symposium culminates with a live 20-minute moderated panel discussion during an online event that will allow trainees to observe a panel debate among the experts centered around challenging cases and treatment dilemmas. This format is modeled after the successful format for POSNA’s annual meetings. All lectures will be maintained on POSNAcademy.org
The first symposium will be held on Wednesday July 15 from 9:00-10:00 pm EST on Microsoft teams with technical support from the Orthopedic Foundation for Education and Research (OFER).
The Topic is “Elbow Fractures that are not Supracondylar Humerus Fractures”
Join the Live Online Webinar on July 15 at 9:00pm EST by clicking the button below:
Join Microsoft Teams Meeting - Resident Master Series (there is no registration fee).
+1 317-296-5898 United States, Indianapolis (Toll)
Conference ID: 117 935 480#
The speakers are:
- Dominick Tuason, MD – Yale, How to accurately diagnose elbow fractures that are not supracondylar fractures
- Collin May, MD – Boston Children’s Hospital, Treatment of Lateral Condyle Fractures and medial epicondyle fractures
- Deidre Bielicka, MD – Rutgers - Robert Wood Johnson, Treatment of Montaggia fractuees and radial neck fractures
- Christine Ho, MD – The Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children, Late reconstruction of post-traumatic elbow deformity
- Moderator – Tom McPartland, MD - Rutgers - Robert Wood Johnson
Lectures will run during the symposium and will also be available on POSNAcademy.org prior to and after the live symposium so content may be revisited.
*Prior to the symposium, please download the following on your iOS or Android device to avoid any technical difficuluties:
- Microsoft Teams app
- Nearpod app to participate in online polls
The next symposium will be scheduled for late July on Pediatric ACL injuries and hosted by the Resident Master Series codirector Cliff Willimon MD. Announcement to follow.
Future topics in this series will be shaped by your feedback and will include:
- Reconstruction of Pediatric Foot Deformity
- Common Overuse Injuries in the Adolescent Population
- Benign Tumors of Bone in the Pediatric Population
- Among many others…
Thanks to the Orthopedic Foundation for Education and Research (OFER) for their technical support. |