Research Award Details

1999 - Arthur H. Huene Memorial Award

A New Order of Things

Grant Recipient: Robert N Hensinger, MD

Presentations & Publications:
Presentation: Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, April 30-May 4, 2000, A Mouse Model for Thoracic Congenital Scoliosis Publications: 1. Loder RT, Hernandez MJ, Lerner AL, Winebrener DJ, Goldstein SA, Hensinger RN, Liu CY, Schork MA. The Induction of Congenital Spinal Deformities in Mice by Maternal Carbon Monoxide Exposure. J PEDIATR ORTHOP, 20(5):662-666, September-October 2000. 2. Farley FA, Loder RT, Nolan BT, Dillon MT, Frankenburg EP, Kaciroti NA, Miller JD, Goldstein SA, Hensinger RN. Mouse Model for Thoracic Congenital Scoliosis. J PEDIATR ORTHOP, 21(4):537-540, July-August 2001.
Further Funding:
1) Although not directly related to the original award, it fostered an institutional interest in the subject. 2) Dr. Farley received funding to establish a clinical database of our patients with Congenital Scoliosis which continues to the present time. 3) We have completed a variety of studies on Congenital scoliosis, such as reliability of measuring the curves, review of associated deformities, such as congenital Heart disease. 4) Interestingly, this year a basic science researcher has joined our faculty and she has advanced an interest in the mouse model to look at the genetics and chemical changes in the vertebral development. 5) I wanted to develop a international study on the regional incidence of Congenial Scoliosis similar to the study Dr. Loder did with SCFE. I haven’t given up on that project
Additional Information:
At that time, we were in the process of developing a  mouse model of Congenital Scoliosis and the grant was used to help support that project. That study had several features, which included improving the reliability of the model and establishing a dose/time relationship. My principal co-investigators at that time were Randy Loder and Frances Farley, but there were many investigators associated with the project.