Research Awards & Grants

Angela S.M. Kuo Memorial Award

Amount: Up to $40,000 total
Grants/Year: 1
Duration: 1-2 years (Proposal budgets should be detailed with this in mind)
Focus: Award is to be used by a young investigator to help promote a long term research career for that individual. 

The first Angela S.M. Kuo Memorial Award was presented at the 2003 POSNA Annual Meeting. Through the OREF, Dr. Ken Kuo established an endowment fund with a challenge grant in memory of his late wife, Angel. The current objective of the award is to provide recognition of an outstanding young investigator who is a member of POSNA and to provide funds to help promote a long-term research career for that individual.

Scoring Criteria: The grant application will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
  • significance, impact, and relevance to the POSNA mission
  • originality/innovation
  • scientific quality of the proposed study
  • investigator(s) track record
  • feasibility
  • potential for future funding
Additional Information: Applicants must submit a CV with a statement of career goals and a letter of recommendation from a POSNA member. Applicants may apply for both the Angela S.M. Kuo Memorial Award and one of the POSNA Grants but must complete the grant application, check the box for the award they qualify for, and submit any other items
required for that specific award.

Questions? Please contact Traci Russell at (630) 478-0483
Eligibility Criteria:
  • The Angela S.M. Kuo Memorial Award is available to investigators under 45 years of age with at least 5 years of practice as of January 1st of the year of submission.
  • The Principal Investigator must be a Candidate or Active member of POSNA in good standing.
  • Non-orthopaedic surgeon MDs, PhDs, or DVMs are eligible to apply if affiliated with an orthopaedic department and working with an orthopaedic surgeon/POSNA member who is the Co-PI.
  • Current grant or award recipients, with the exception of current microgrant recipients, cannot apply for a future grant as a PI, as one of multiple investigators, or as a co-investigator until the current award/grant research is completed and all final reports and expense reports have been submitted andaccepted. An exception can be made if a co-investigator is due less than $5,000 for the remaining timeline of the grant, inclusive of any payment made during the current calendar year.
Application Status: Closed