Syndromic Hip Dysplasia – A Case-Based Approach to Hip Dysplasia in Down's and Other Syndromes
- Date
- February 11 - February 11, 2025
- Location
- Pre-recorded
• Chair- Pablo Castañeda, MD (Texas Children’s Hospital)
• Ira Zaltz, MD (University of Michigan)
• Woody Sankar, MD (CHOP, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia)
• Stephanie Pun, MD (Stanford)
• Eduardo Novais, MD (Boston Children's Hospital)
Learning Objectives:
1.Imaging Utilization and Interpretation: Many clinicians are unfamiliar with how advanced imaging modalities can improve diagnostic accuracy in syndromic hip dysplasia. This webinar will clarify which imaging techniques provide the most relevant information for preoperative planning, especially in complex cases.
2. Surgical Strategy and Timing: Determining the best timing and type of intervention based on age and syndrome specifics remains challenging. We’ll address age-specific surgical options and highlight pathways for infantile and adolescent presentations.
3. Treatment Algorithms and Outcome Optimization: For many, there is no clear algorithm for treating hip dysplasia in syndromic patients, and outcomes can vary significantly. We aim to present an evidence-based algorithm that considers the patient’s syndrome and age to help clinicians choose the most effective intervention.