Physician Wellness

POSNA Wellness Initiative

  • Building Your Resilient Self  - This free webinar led by Gail Gazelle, MD, FACP, FAAHPM, executive coach for physicians and physician leaders, teaches how to build resilience in your life and in your practice.  

  • Time Management for Leaders. Dr. Janet Jokela, from American College of Physicians (ACP) Leadership Enhancement and Development Webinar Series -  

  • Physician Burnout: Stop Blaming the Individual - Tait Shanafelt, Chief Wellness Officer for Stanford Medicine on how to start treating physician burnout as a system issue, not an individual one -  



  • Mayo Clinic Strategies to Reduce Burnout: 12 Actions to Create the Ideal Workplace - by Stephen Swensen MD MMM (Author), Tait Shanafelt MD (Author)
    • Recommended by POSNA member Dr. Kristin Livingston “This is a surprisingly easy to digest book, useful for anyone looking to help improve workplace satisfaction and decrease burnout on the division- or system-level in healthcare. It lays out a thoughtful, evidence-based approach to improve morale, align values, cultivate leadership and strengthen resilience. This book is a great framework for anyone looking to improve the lives of their colleagues in medicine.” 
  • Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals - by Oliver Burkeman
    • Recommend by POSNA member Dr. Dan Miller. “This book really provided some well needed, perspective for how I think about time. Not as an asset, but as an ever-present moment. If you have ever been frustrated trying to fit “all the big rocks first” into your proverbial bucket, this is the book for you.
  • Make Your Bed by Admiral William H. McRaven
    • Recommended by POSNA member, Dr. Will Cutchen, “I really enjoyed this book.  It’s short, only 130 pages, but filled with great stories. A former Navy SEAL, Admiral McRaven addresses topics like attention to detail, failure, and changing the world.  If you don’t like to read just pull up his Texas commencement address on YouTube”.
  • Why We Sleep – by Matthew Walker
    • Recommend by POSNA member Dr. Dan Miller. “I read this after a chance viewing of the author’s Masterclass while on a flight. It is both incredibly fascinating and eye opening.  It is delightful to learn about how different creatures in the animal world sleep (a dolphin sleeping with one half of a brain at a time, a Frigate bird taking “micro naps” while crossing an ocean etc.) The evidence of the deleterious effects of even minor sleep deprivation is alarming. Reading this book helped me understand and prioritize sleep for myself, my family, and my patients.”  


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