Roshen N. Irani, MD
1929 - 2007
Dr. Irani was born in Iran and was raised in India. Her physician father encouraged her to pursue a medical career. She attended the Grant Medical College at the University of Bombay and took residency at DC General at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia under Dr. Jesse Nicholson, the first CHOP Orthopaedic Chief. She was a member of the Pediatric Orthopaedic Study Group, one of our founding societies, and one of our first women pediatric orthopaedists. She practiced in Philadelphia with the St. Christopher’s group, the Thomas Jefferson Medical Center, and in private practice.
Dr. Irani was the 1963 winner of the Kappa Delta/OREF Clinical Research Award for her project “The Pathologic Anatomy of the Clubfoot” with her mentor, Dr. Mary Sherman. In 1976 she wrote one of the original papers on immediate hip spica cast treatment of femur fractures in children. This is from her article, showing a child who required immediate spica following compartment syndrome from well-leg traction.
Dr. Irani was raised in the ancient Zoroastrian faith, and though educated in Catholic schools, she remained faithful to her creed. She was friendly with the Jesuit clergy Old St. Joseph's church near her home in Philadelphia. A single woman with no close family, she willed her home to the use of Old St. Joseph’s. She made the pastor promise that there would be no Christian service in her memory.