Pediatric Orthopaedic Fellowship Accreditation

The goal of POSNA's Pediatric Orthopaedic Fellowship Accreditation is to provide an alternative pathway to accreditation for those that choose it while continuing to recognize the ACGME accreditation pathway for those currently accredited programs that prefer not to change. As a point of emphasis, the accreditation is not meant to be a referendum on the ideal way to train a fellow. Rather it seeks to provide minimum criteria for the fellowship training process.

Note: ACGME accredited programs will automatically qualify for POSNA accreditation. These programs need only provide proof of ACGME accreditation with the initial application or renewal along with the appropriate fees (see below).

Program Requirements

  • Program case list demonstrating a minimum of 250 operative orthopaedic cases per fellow (with fellow as primary or first assistant). At least 250 cases must be performed on patients ≤ 18 years of age.
  • Program should include an experience at a pediatric trauma center.   
  • $2,400 accreditation application fee ($1,200 for programs that are ACGME)
  • Program must provide malpractice coverage (occurrence coverage or claims-made with tail coverage) for each fellow.   
  • View the Fellowship Accreditation Guidelines >>


New applications must be submitted by March 1 for the upcoming match cycle which begins in August of that year. Final decisions will be made by May 1.

Apply Now

For more information, or for directions on how to apply, please contact POSNA. | (630) 478-0480