1999 Recognition Awards
Best Clinical Paper
Randall Loder; MD, Mary Lou V.H. Greenfield; MPh
The Demographics of Atypical and Idiopathic Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis (SCFE): The Age-Weight Test and Implications for Further Diagnostic Evaluation
Best Scientific Paper
R. Tracy Ballock, MD, Lynn Mink, MS, Daniel Chen, MS
Regulation of Chondrocyte Hypertrophy Occurs Through Local Induction Of Bone Morphogenetic Proteins
Best Poster
B. Stephens Richards, MD, Holly Wilson, PT; Charles E. Johnston, MD
Non-operative Clubfoot Treatment Comparing the French Technique to Serial Casting-Early Results
Distinguished Achievement Award
Newton C. McCollough
For his guidance and leadership in the formative years of POSNA and especially for his wisdom and vision in molding the Shriners Hospitals for Children into a formidable force for the betterment of children with orthopedic problems.
Presidential Guest Speaker
Vern Tolo, MD